MooniePie's Journal

MooniePie's Journal


Honor: 40    [ Give / Take ]


20 entries this month

23:52 Jul 30 2008
Times Read: 831

I need a break from in here. My mind is so negative once again. I don't like it.

So.. I am going to ignore my journal for awhile.

At least until I get over this.




20:13 Jul 26 2008
Times Read: 897

I will say this one time and one time only today.

Tread. VERY. Lightly.

Do. Not. Make. Me. Angry.

Because quite honestly, right now I will take every bit of anger I have out on anyone and NOT think twice.

Fuckin' miserable cunt. I haven't seen her fuckin' ass in fuckin a year. And that fat fuckin' lying fuckin' cow comes back to haunt me.. AFTER she has stole 20 grand from me.

Honestly, I hope someone guts her like a fish. I hope that one day she wakes up hovering about her body and someone has beat her to the point of no return. I hope she sees herself laying there on the ground, body on one side organs on the other.

And then I hope that everyone who went along with her merry fuckin' lies of bullshit explodes. Even the ones that teehee with her now because, Oh she could NEVER do that. I hope you all fuckin' combust right where you stand you miserable wastes of space.

I hope she NEVER sees her kids again.. and I hope that they take away the one that she MAY still have to give him a better life than what that fat miserable cunt will give him.

I hope that one day when I venture down the road I see her living on the street in a box. So I can laugh in her face and spit on her.

And I really hope that she one day stumbles across this and reads it.. She she will NEVER have the balls to call me. And since she is to much of a fuckin' chicken shit to step foot near me.

Next time you ever are in front of me.. You better hope to HELL you have the police with you again, and you better make sure it's more than one, because I WILL get to you. And I promise you this.. I will be the one walking away.. YOU won't be.




20:28 Jul 24 2008
Times Read: 997

LMAO I love Stephen Lynch




05:19 Jul 23 2008
Times Read: 1,075

Eclipse gum is gross after awhile.

And when you chew it so much it loses it's flavor and mooshes...

It feels like a big wad of spunk in your mouth.





23:05 Jul 22 2008
Times Read: 1,091

Holey- Crap.

There is a monsoon outside..


Shove the annoying ones into the lakes.

Whoops.. I mean.. uhmm.. Hi.

*bats eyelashes*




01:19 Jul 22 2008
Times Read: 1,197

ANd just when I didn't think I had anything fun to put in here! I tell ya.. *shakes head*

On 23:56:13 Jul 21 2008 (-0 GMT) boobabygurl26 wrote:

When the event happens, your account and profile will NOT be spared for you have a corroupt profile and portfolio. The time will come for all in management at Vampire Rave to be judged by their actions and profiles. Too many here support drugs, sex, homosexual activities, murder and other sinful corroupt things for the minors here, and to whom you owe this happening you ask ? You may thank Sevenn the Liar.....Blessed be to you. Pray that your virus protection is up to date !

On 23:58:54 Jul 21 2008 (-0 GMT) CountessMoon wrote:

Why YES! I support drugs, sex, homosexual activities, murder and other sinful corroupt things!

That is just things I do on Sundays.. I figure.. GOD gave me a hole.. I might as well get some action and say Oh God a couple times, while I smoke a big crack rock and bang some ho's.

It's a beautiful world.

I say Sevenn for President!

On 00:00:09 Jul 22 2008 (-0 GMT) boobabygurl26 wrote:

You are the ones that the minors need protection from and you and this site have been reported. I suppose you are a child molester too ?

On 00:02:23 Jul 22 2008 (-0 GMT) CountessMoon wrote:

I make sure the people I diddle are over the age of 18.. I like I do not like to have them call me mommy or daddy while doin' the deed. It creeps me out.

And you are right, minors need to be protected from me.

Why? Because I will smack a lil shit in the blink of an eye. I don't have time for little kids and games.


I see you have boob in your name.. do you have a big rack?

On 00:04:06 Jul 22 2008 (-0 GMT) boobabygurl26 wrote:

See shows your intellignece my name is boo baby gurl not boob. Please update you virus protection soon. I am looking forward to the challenge of it against the happening.

Actaully it says to be:


Which I think is a really rockin' name..

So.. How YEW dewin? Can I like put it in your butt?

On 00:06:18 Jul 22 2008 (-0 GMT) boobabygurl26 wrote:

You now have my premission to go, you are dismissed and allowed to go. Thank you and have a blessed day.

Message To: boobabygurl26

LMAO @ me NEEDING your Permission.

Let me tell you something you little, pissant. YOU have NO CLUE about anything you say. You should have had a meeting with a coat hanger when you were just a little blob of goo in a taint cervix..

NOW you are dismissed..

Go waste your life someplace else.. I for one do NOT have time.

Never.. Dismiss me.. NEVER EVER.. it is one way to flip that switch of my temper. Not smart.




01:25 Jul 18 2008
Times Read: 1,346

I need to start an auction.

I will call it the 'tit for tat'.

I will auction off pics of muh hooters to the highest bidder..

Come on.. Moonie needs somethin' new.




07:21 Jul 17 2008
Times Read: 1,367

I...am.. supposed to be sleeping.

I cannot sleep.

I.. am not a happy lil MooniePie.

I want to eat the faces off of people.





02:17 Jul 17 2008
Times Read: 1,379

I have a deliciously painful sunburn. Everytime I move and that little twinge of pain sets in.. I sigh and think to myself how much it can relax me.

I love the feeling of it. love. love. love.




03:30 Jul 15 2008
Times Read: 1,448

I hate my internet service.

Hate. Hate Hate.

and I cannot switch to something else because no one OFFERS cable around here BUT them.





03:04 Jul 14 2008
Times Read: 1,508

I..... need...

someone to crush on. I need one of those people that will let me totally dig them, never want it to go farther then being flirty, dirty and just down right wrong.


1. Funny.

2. Must crush on me back.

3. Not turn into a douche.

So.. who's brave enough to stick their finger in the MooniePie?




04:43 Jul 13 2008
Times Read: 1,539

I have figured out gum.. helps me concentrate..

Who woulda thunk it?




20:24 Jul 09 2008
Times Read: 1,586

I stubbed my toe :(

And it hurts.. and it was all icky with blood.

*holds up the cross*

Back you evil freaks! You are not sucking the blood from my toe.

on second thought....





03:59 Jul 09 2008
Times Read: 1,601

I cannot WAIT until this movie comes out!

I love the books.. I am waiting for the last one to come out in October. and I adore Brenden Frasier.. *swoon*




03:29 Jul 09 2008
Times Read: 1,607

I knew that bitch would win.





05:16 Jul 07 2008
Times Read: 1,641

Ahhh ahahahahahaha




20:10 Jul 05 2008
Times Read: 1,700

I remember when I used to genuinely like people. I liked being around everyone. I was just an all around people person.

That was when I was ohh about 18-23. And now, I want to like people, I really do, but I just can't. Maybe it's because I was so naive then. I thought most people were good people and that bad people didn't really exist.

And then.. I got a computer.

I started hanging out on AOL.

THAT changed my perception a LOT. Along with this place. It's amazing the things we see when the naive veil comes off.

I kinda want to put it back on.




19:37 Jul 05 2008
Times Read: 1,709

I miss the old days, I really do. The days when it first started. Yes, I mean here. I miss the days where people actually debated, had something to say, and there was thought put into it.

I miss some of the regulars that have just vanished.

What happened to the people who joined because they held interest in the topics that VR (or the darknet work) is about. Now it's "I don't believe in any of this I am just here because it's a cool place" Ick.

I miss it.




19:58 Jul 03 2008
Times Read: 1,738


I was watching VH1 this weekend and heard about this disturbing voicemail from Pat O'brian.

It happened in like 2005, but I never heard about it. So I venture off to find it.

AHAHAHA low and behold I did!!!!


It is so dirty! When you don't know who it is, it sounds kinda hawt.. and then.. you look at the pic.. and want to scrub your dirty flesh off with a Brillo pad.

I feel dirty and not in the good way.

BUT damn it is funny.




05:10 Jul 03 2008
Times Read: 1,767

My backgrounds have meant something to me as of lately. They have either represented something that I believe or something that I have learned a lesson on. For instance, my background last month was “time discovers truths”. The quote hit home in a few areas. Either how I felt about someone or how I viewed a friend and their situation. Time does discover truth. It also reveals it. It can take moments or lifetimes in order to discover the truth of the person within.

This month’s title is unsaid. It kind of ties in with last month’s in a sense. As time goes on I have learned more about people. The more I have learned it has either inspired me to move them up to become even closer than they were before, or to move them and bring distance between them and myself for the betterment of me. Time has also shown me the ones I wish to hold admiration for, the ones where first impressions proved to be true and also the times when first impressions where not what the eye had seen.

I have come to realize that even though I am an outspoken woman with certain matters of opinions and topics that I am passionate about, there are still those things that I bottle up. I tend to bottle up my true feelings.

Wait, let me clarify that so I don’t get some off the wall comments about how I call people names, because I do, but that is not what I referring to.

If you do something ‘bad’ to either hurt me or make me cry (Yes, I do cry) then I will have NO problems with calling someone that I have no use for a “bitch, whore, etc.” That even goes for hurting people I truly care about. I will call you those names. And yes, I will have a damn good reason.

Someone that is my friend, now that is a totally different situation all together. I have a hard time telling a friend if they have hurt my feelings, if I am mad at them or if they have did something to upset me. Normally it is not any big deal. Because most the time it’s something stupid and I get over it quickly, but there are those times when it is a constant thing. Upset. Hurt. Anger. Mad. And I just keep. It. All. Bottled. Up. Then when it gets to where I cannot take it anymore, I am just done. Over it. Cannot take it anymore. Then my whole attitude starts to change. I cannot deal with them or it. So I scatter away because, honestly, the last thing I want to do is hurt someone’s feelings that I am close to. And if I opened my mouth at that time to let those feelings out, oh trust me it would not be pretty. It takes me a lot of bottled-up-ness to reach that point.

I need to stop that. Not because I don’t want them away from me, because with the small amount of times it has happened, I have wanted them far, far away from me, but because the bottled up stuff just really plagues my mind. It is stuff I need to get out, but I just never do. I am not one to jot down my real deep down feelings about stuff. Writing it isn’t going to help. I need to release that ‘energy ‘it gives me. Maybe I need to start beating up a pillow... heh.

I am glad I don’t really have many friends. I never really have wanted a lot of friends. I am an only child. I am used to entertaining myself and just being by myself. *shrugs* I’ve been burned a LOT. I wouldn’t say ‘cliquey’; no actually I would say I am a tad cliquey. I want my friends to interest me. I want them to have some common goals as myself so we can strive to achieve them together. But of course, it is normally the people who aren’t in the ‘inner’ circle that get pissy and start whining about it. There is a reason WHY I have people that are super close to me. I can trust them. I can rely on them. I want to talk to them. I want to be around them. I enjoy them 100%, all the time. Those ones I have never had any problems with and honestly could tell them if I was upset with them. And THEY would understand.

I need to stop rambling. Basically, I need to stop bottling up emotions. I need to let them flow. I need to just stop. So, maybe I should start now.

Yeah, I say that, I know I won’t.


Update: My background was getting on my nerves. It was tooo hard to read soo.. I redid it a bit..

Comments left:




Jul 02 2008

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I wonder if it is becuase only kids have no one to talk to growing up???? (I am an only as well.)



Jul 02 2008

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I've wondered about that too. I have never been to keen on the idea of having tons of friends. It's almost like it would over stimulate me since I am so used to being alone.

Being an only child has its perks, but some of the downfalls totally bite.



Jul 03 2008

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As do the downfalls of having siblings. Strangely I count as both an only child and one with a brother. This is because my brother is 12 years younger than I am. I too don't trust people with the "me" of my negative aspects, still there is an art to finding release.

Wanting it is the first way to create this change, as is thinking about it. The rest is determined by how you do it. Perhaps your outlet is your art... and there is nothing wrong with that.



Jul 03 2008

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I love you most beautifull MoonflowerGoddessofLove. I love you and all the ups and the downs because you are a delicate flower. One that is to be cherished and cultivated and admired up close and from afar. You have strength that makes many envious and at the same time you know within yourself just how fragile you are. You are a treasure and I love you.



Jul 03 2008

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You need an outlet. It reminds me of the "Steel Magnolias" movie when M'Lynn is overwrought with the loss of her beloved daughter. She yells and screams and says she just wants to hit something...Clairee (she's always quick witted) pushes Quiser, "the cranky eccentric, in front of M'Lynn and says something to the effect of.....here, hit this!...Quiser, this is your chance to do something for your fellow man...go ahead, knock her lights out M’Lynn!

These women were all best of friends in the movie..

Who’s your Quiser?...see if she’ll take a shot for her fellow Moonkind?

I don't know you well at all, but reading your journals gives me a small piece of who you are. You are a very strong, intelligent, independant woman. But remember, even the strongest need shoulders to lean on. It's good that you recognize that.



Jul 04 2008

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i'd take a hit for/from muh Moonie :)

i luff joo :)



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